9/2006. Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist, Jenny Säve-Söderbergh. Testing the rationality assumption using a design difference in the TV Game-show 'Jeopardy'

8/2006. Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist. Tournaments and Unfair Treatment

7/2006. Charlotta Stern, Daniel B. Klein. The Ideological Profile of Faculty in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Reply to Zipp and Fenwick

6/2006. Charlotta Stern, Daniel B. Klein. Is There a Free-Market Economist in the House? The Policy Views of American Economic Association Members

5/2006. Lalaina Hirvonen. Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Among Daughters and Sons: Evidence from Sweden and a Comparison with the United States

4/2006. Helena Holmlund. Intergenerational Mobility and Assortative Mating. Effects of an Educational Reform

3/2006. Lena Granqvist, Håkan Regnér. The outcome of individual bargaining and the influence of managers' bargaining power: evidence from union data

2/2006. Krister Sund. Detracking Swedish Secondary Schools - Any Losers, Any Winners?

1/2006. Gabriella Sjögren Lindquist, Eskil Wadensjö. The Swedish Welfare State: The Role of Supplementary Compensations.


9/2005. Rickard Eriksson. Parental Leave in Sweden: The Effects of the Second Daddy Month

8/2005. Daniel B. Klein, Charlotta Stern. Narrow-Tent Democrats and Fringe Others: The Policy Views of Social Science Professors

7/2005. Jenny Säve-Söderbergh. Who is Willing to Let Ethics Guide His Economic Decision-Making? Evidence from Individual Investments in Ethical Funds

6/2005. Anders Böhlmark. Age at Immigration and School Performance: A Siblings Analysis Using Swedish Register Data

5/2005. Helena Holmlund, Krister Sund. Is the Gender Gap in School Performance Affected by the Sex of the Teacher?

4/2005. Matthew J. Lindquist, Anders Böhlmark. Life-Cycle Variations in the Association between Current and Lifetime Income: Country, Cohort and Gender Comparisons

3/2005. Pathric Hägglund. Job-search Assistance Using the Internet - Evidence from a Swedish Randomised Experiment

2/2005. Matthew J. Lindquist. Capital-Skill Complementarity and Inequality in Sweden

1/2005. Ante Farm. A Theory of Vacancies


8/2004. Matthew J. Lindquist, Roger Vilhelmsson. Is the Swedish Central Government a Wage Leader?

7/2004. Helena Persson, Håkan Regnér. Universities in the regional economy. Evidence from Swedish employer-employee linked data

6/2004. Pernilla Andersson, Eskil Wadensjö. Statistik om bemanningsbranschen. Presentation och jämförelser av två nya databaser

5/2004. Rickard Eriksson. Testing for Price Leadership and for Reputation Goods Effects: Swedish Dental Services

4/2004. Anders Björklund, Marianne Sundström. Parental Separation and Children’s Educational Attainment: A Siblings Analysis on Swedish Register Data

3/2004. John Ekberg, Rickard Eriksson, Guido Friebel. Sharing Responsibility? Short- and Long-term Effects of Sweden’s “Daddy-Month” Reform

2/2004. Edwin Leuven, Mikael Lindahl, Hessel Oosterbeek, Dinand Webbink. The Effect of Extra Funding for Disadvantaged Pupils on Achievement

1/2004. Helena Holmlund. Estimating Long-Term Consequences of Teenage Childbearing – An Examination of the Siblings Approach


5/2003. Walter Korpi. Welfare State Regress in Western Europe: Politics, Institutions, Globalization and Europeanization

4/2003. Lena Lindahl, Håkan Regnér. College choice and subsequent earnings. Results using Swedish sibling data

3/2003. Espen R. Moen, Åsa Rosén. Equilibrium Incentive Contracts

2/2003. Ante Farm. Vacancies, Hirings, and the Duration Function

1/2003. Ante Farm. Defining and Measuring Unmet Labour Demand


6/2002. Tommy Ferrarini, Kenneth Nelson. Estimating Post-tax Social Insurance Benefits: Validity Problems in Comparative Analyses of Net Income Components from Household

5/2002. Lena Lindahl. Do birth order and family size matter for intergenerational income mobility?

4/2002. Espen R. Moen, Åsa Rosén. Does poaching distort training?

3/2002. Knut Röed, Peter Jensen, Anna Thoursie. Unemployment Duration, Incentives and Institutions - A Micro-Econometric Analysis Based on Scandinavian Data

2/2002. Thor Norström, Ole-Jörgen Skog. Effekter av lördagsöppna Systembolagsbutiker. Uppföljning av de första 17 månaderna

1/2002. Jan Selén, Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. The Importance of Sickness Benefits Rights for a Comparison of Wages


2/2001. Espen R. Moen, Åsa Rosén. Performance pay and adverse selection

1/2001. Åsa Rosén, Etienne Wasmer. Higher Education Levels, Firms' Outside Options and the Wage Structure


8/2000. Ante Farm. Job Openings, Hirings, and Unmet Demand: A New Approach to the Matching Function and the Beveridge Curve

7/2000. Carl le Grand, Ryszard Szulkin. Permanent Disadvantage or Gradual Integration: Explaining the Immigrant-Native Earnings Gap in Sweden

6/2000. Helena Orrje. The Incidence of On-the-Job Training. An Empirical Study Using Swedish Data

5/2000. Jan Selén, Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. Survivor's Pension Rights and Wages

4/2000. Walter Korpi. Contentious Institutions: An Augmented Rational-Actor Analysis of the Origins and Path Dependency of Welfare State Institutions

3/2000. Stefan Englund. Skuldsaneringslagen ur ett gäldenärsperspektiv

2/2000. Mia Hultin, Ryszard Szulkin. Mechanisms of Inequality: Unequal Access to Organizational Power and the Gender Wage Gap

1/2000. Ursula Henz, Marianne Sundström. Partner Choice and Women's Paid Work in Sweden - The Role of Earnings

Arkiv WP-serien mellan 1999-1982

* En asterisk innebär att artikeln ifråga inte finns i tryck.


*1/1999. Sten-Åke Stenberg. "Inheritance of Welfare Recipiency - An Intergenerational Study of Social Assistance Recipiency in Postwar Sweden". (Revised version published in Journal of Marriage and the Family (2000), 62, 228-239. Reprint no. 541.)

2/1999. Michael Tåhlin. "Opposites Attract? How Inequality Affects Mobility in the Labor Market".

3/1999. Thomas DiPrete, Dominique Goux, Eric Maurin and Michael Tåhlin. "Establishment Dynamics, the Employment Relationship, and the Age Structure of Unemployment in France and Sweden".

*4/1999. Ante Farm. "Unemployment and Vacancies".

*5/1999. Walter Korpi. "Faces of Inequality: Gender, Class and Patterns of Inequalties in Different Types of Welfare States". (Published in Social Politics (2000), 7, 127-191. Reprint no. 554.)


1/1998. Lena Granqvist and Helena Persson. "Career Mobility in the Private Service Sector - Are women trapped in "bad" jobs?".

*2/1998. Peter Skogman. "The Role of Case Workers in Selecting Candidates for a Vocational Rehabilitation Project". (Revised version published in "Disability and Work in Sweden" by Peter Skogman Thoursie. Dissertation series no. 39)

*3/1998. Peter Skogman. "Occupational Attainment and Earnings for Disabled Workers". (Revised version published in "Disability and Work in Sweden" by Peter Skogman Thoursie. Dissertation series no. 39)

4/1998. Walter Korpi. "Sveriges upplysta opinion halkar efter den internationella forskningsfronten: den ekonomiska forskningens objektivitetsproblem exemplifierat".

5/1998. Rolf Aaberge, Anders Björklund, Markus Jäntti, Mårten Palme, Peder J. Pedersen, Nina Smith and Tom Wennemo. "Income Inequality and Income Mobility in the Scandinavian Countries Compared to the United States". (Revised version published in Review of Income and Wealth (2002), 48, 443-469.)

*6/1998. Helena Persson. "Job and Worker Flows in Sweden 1986-1995: Who Gets the New Jobs and Who Loses the Old Jobs?". (Revised version published in "Essays on Labour Demand and Career Mobililty". Dissertation series no. 40.)

7/1998. Yves Zenou. "Agglomeration Economies in European and American Cities".

*8/1998. Christian Kjellström and Håkan Regnér. "Does Distance to a University Affect Enrollment Decisions? Evidence from Data on Three Cohorts of Swedes". (Revised version published in Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (1999), 43, 335-348. Reprint no. 545.)

9/1998. Carl le Grand and Michael Tåhlin. "Job Mobility and Earnings Growth".


1/1997. Anna Thoursie. "Effects of Renewable Benefit Periods on Exits from Unemployment". (Revised version published in "Studies on Unemployment Duration and on the Gender Wage Gap". Dissertation series no. 35)

*2/1997. Christian Kjellström. "Omitted Ability Bias and the Wage Premium for Schooling: New Swedish Evidence". (Revised version published in "Essays on Investment in Human Capital", dissertation series no. 36)

*3/1997. Walter Korpi and Joakim Palme. "The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality and Poverty in the Western Countries". (Published in the American Sociological Review, (1998), 63(5)661-687. Reprint no. 518)

*4/1997. Sten-Åke Stenberg. "Unemployment and Economic Hardship. A combined macro- and microlevel analysis of the relationship between unemployment and means-tested social assistance in Sweden". (Published in the European Sociological Review (1998), 14, 1-13. Reprint no. 507)

5/1997. Jia Xu. "Sex Discrimination in the Swedish Labor Market - Present Situation and Legal Practices".


1/1996. Henrik Levin. "Vår bild av arbetslösheten: En jämförelse av uppgifter om arbetslöshet i intervjudata och AMS registerdata".

2/1996. Jan Selén and Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Non Wage Benefits in Sweden".

*3/1996. Jan Selén and Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Public and Negotiated Pension Rights in a Total Wage Concept. An Empirical Study of Sweden". (Published as "Pension Rights and Wages"in Labour, (1998), 12 (1)191-209. Reprint series no. 505)

4/1996. Lena Granqvist. "Fringe Benefits, Human Capital and the Gender Wage Gap".

5/1996. Stig Blomskog. "The Wage Curve for Different Worker Categories. The Case of Sweden".

6/1996. Anna Thoursie. "Post Essen Seminar in Sweden, 13th March, 1996. Background material for "Engaging with the Essen Themes".

*7/1996. Helena Persson. "Estimating Labour Demand - Substitution between Men, Women and Youths. A study on Swedish data". (Revised version published in "Essays on Labour Demand and Career Mobility". Dissertation series no. 40)

8/1996. Katarina Richardson. "Estimating the Impact of Wage Structure on Wage Differentials between Two Groups of Workers".


1/1995. Ante Farm. "Search Effectiveness and the Beveridge Curve".

*2/1995. Håkan Regnér. "The Impact of On-the-Job Training on the Tenure-Wage Profile and Job Mobility. Does the Distinction between General and Firm Specific Human Capital Really Matter?" (Revised version published in "Training at the Job and Training for a New Job: Two Swedish Studies". Dissertation series no. 29)

3/1995. Erika Kvapilova. "Recent Development and the Future of the Welfare State in Slovakia".


1/1993. Denny Vågerö. "Health Inequalities as Policy Issues -their moral and public health significance".

2/1993. Denny Vågerö and Olle Lundberg. "Socio-Economic Mortality Differentials Among Adults in Sweden - Towards an Explanation".

*3/1993. Anders Björklund. "A Comparison between Actual Distributions of Annual and Lifetime Income: Sweden 1951-1989". (Published in the Review of Income and Wealth (1993), 39(4)377-386. Reprint no. 415)

4/1993. Sten Johansson. "Kinas befolkningspolitik - barnbegränsningstvång i världens intresse?"

*5/1993. Anders Björklund and Markus Jäntti. "Intergenerational Income Mobility in Sweden Compared to the United States". (Published in the American Economic Review (1997), 87(5)1009-1018. Reprint no. 504)

6/1993. Mahmood Arai and Hans Lind. "Productivity and Perception of Fairness: An Experimental Study".

7/1993. Mahmood Arai and Yves Zenou. "Workers' Intertemporal Strategical Behavior Under Individual and Group Incentive Schemes".

8/1993. Håkan Regnér. "Choosing among Alternative Non Experimental Methods for Estimating the Impact of Training: New Swedish Evidence".


1/1992. Ante Farm. "A Note on Temporary Layoffs and Unemployment Insurance".

2/1992. Olli Kangas. "Macrosociological Comparative Methodology. On Regressions, Qualitative Comparisons and Cluster Analysis in the Politics of Social Security".

3/1992. Olli Kangas and Joakim Palme. "Class Politics and Institutional Feedbacks. Development of Occupational Pensions in Finland and Sweden".

4/1992. Stig Blomskog. "Is there a Stable Swedish Wage Curve?"


*1/1991. Jan O. Jonsson. "School Reforms, Educational Expansion, and Educational Attainment: Tends towards equality in Sweden". (Revised version entitled "Persisting inequalies in Sweden?", published in Y. Shavit and H.-P. Blossfeld (eds.), Persisting Inequality: Changing Educational Attainment in Thirteen Countries, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Reprint no. 417)

*2/1991. Jan O. Jonsson. "Arbetsmarknadens förlorare? Förändringar i de lågutbildades situation 1968-1987". (Revised version entitled "De lågutbildade - en ny underklass?" published in Sociologisk Forskning (1991) 28. Reprint no. 318)

3/1991. Viveca Östberg. "Social Class Differences in Child Mortality. Sweden 1981-86".

*4/1991. Jan O. Jonsson and Colin Mills. "Social Class and Educational Attainment in Historical Perspective: A Swedish-English Comparison". (Revised version published in British Journal of Sociology (1993) 44. Reprint nos. 402 and 418)

5/1991. Lucienne Portocarero. "About Gender, Statistics and Sociology".

6/1991. Susanne Oxenstierna. "The Soviet Economy in Transition. Trends in Employment and Unemployment".

7/1991. Ante Farm. "Competitive Price Leadership and Consistent Market Sharing".

*8/1991. Mahmood Arai. "Compensating Wage Differentials Versus Efficiency Wages. An Empirical Study of Job Autonomy and Wages". (Published in Industrial Relations (1994) 33. Reprint no. 433)


1/1990. Eskil Wadensjö. "Early Exit from the Labor Force in Sweden".

2/1990. Hanns v. Hofer och Henrik Tham. "Nio kriminalpolitiska teser".

*3/1990. Anders Björklund. "Unemployment and Income Distribution: Time-series evidence from Sweden". (Published in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics (1991) 93. Reprint no. 323)

4/1990. Jeff Ankrom. "Two Refinements in the Measurement of Income Redistribution: Sweden, the U.S., and U.K.".


1/1989. Denny Vågerö. "Inequality in Health - Some Theoretical and Empirical Problems".

*2/1989. Robert Erikson. "Politics and Class Mobility: Does Politics Influence Rates of Social Mobility?" (Published in "Generating Equality in the Welfare State", Norwegian University Press. Reprint no. 300)

3/1989. Olli Kangas and Joakim Palme. "Public and Private Pensions: The Scandinavian Countries in a Comparative Perspective".

*4/1989. Olle Lundberg. "Causal Explanations for Class Inequality in Health - An Empirical Analysis". (Revised version published in Social Science and Medicine (1991) 32. Reprint no. 302)

5/1989. Petra Otterblad and Denny Vågerö. "A Swedish Classification into Social Classes Based on Census Information and Comparable to the British Classification - A Proposal".

6/1989. Eskil Wadensjö. "Anställningskontraktet".

7/1989. Gösta Rehn. "Gösta Rehn: En rättvis och flexibel tilläggspension: Inlägg i pensionsdebatten inom arbetarrörelsen under 1950- och 1960-talen".

*8/1989. Johan Fritzell. "Income Trajectories: Stability and Change in Earnings and Economic Well-Being". (Published in Welfare Trends in the Scandinavian Countries, Hansen, E.J., Ringen, S., Uusitalo, H. and Erikson, R. (eds.), M.E. Sharpe, New York (1993). Reprint no.399

*9/1989. Eskil Wadensjö. "The Committee on Unemployment and the Stockholm School".

*10/1989. Jan O. Jonsson. "Education, Social Mobility, and Social Reproduction in Sweden: Patterns and Changes". (Published in Welfare Trends in the Scandinavian Countries, Hansen, E.J., Ringen, S., Uusitalo, H. and Erikson, R. (eds.), M.E. Sharpe, New York (1993). Reprint no. 398)

11/1989. Karen Schober-Brinkmann and Eskil Wadensjö. "Contrasting Forms of Youth Training and Employment in Sweden and West Germany".


*1/1988. Thor Norström. "Swedish Emigration to the United States Reconsidered". (Published in European Sociological Review. Reprint no. 233)

*2/1988. Thor Norström. "Real Wages, Alcohol Consumption and Mortality in Sweden, 1961-1913". (Published in European Journal of Population. Reprint no. 240)

*3/1988. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Lifetime Redistribution of Social Insurance in Sweden: Intra and intergenerational effects". (Revised version published as "Lifecycle income redistribution of the public sector: inter and intergenerational effects" in Inga Persson (ed.), Generating equality in the welfare state: the Swedish experience, Norwegian University Press, Oslo 1990. Reprint no. 298)

4/1988. Bo Enegren. "Vägar in i arbetslöshet".

5/1988. Olli Kangas. "Politik och ekonomi i pensionsförsäkringen. Det finska pensionssystemet i ett jämförande perspektiv".

6/1988. Ante Farm. "Pricing, Production, Investment and Marketing in Oligopolistic Industries".

*7/1988. Thor Norström. "Deriving Relative Risks from Aggregate Data. With an Application to the Relationship Between Unemployment and Suicide". (Published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1988), 42. Reprint no. 234)

*8/1988. Olle Lundberg. "Class Position and Health: Social Causation or Social Selection?" (Revised version published in European Sociological Review (1991) 7. Reprint no. 334)

*9/1988. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Pensionssystemets inverkan på hushållens sparande. Bilaga till sparutredningen". (Publicerad som Pensionssystemets inverkan på hushållens sparande, Expertrapport, Spardelegationen Allmänna Förlaget, Stockholm 1988)

10/1988. Aylin Akpinar. "Challenged Family and Kinship Ideals: Family crisis and social networks among Turkish immigrants".

*11/1988. Thor Norström. "The Use of Aggregate Data in Alcohol Epidemiology". (Published in British Journal of Addiction. Reprint no. 260)


1/1987. Per Gunnar Edebalk och Eskil Wadensjö. "AGB-försäkringen. Utveckling och effekter".

*2/1987. Anders Björklund. "Are Classical Experiments Needed for Manpower Policy? A Cautionary View". (Extended version published in the Journal of Human Resources (1988) 23. Reprint no. 223)

3/1987. Thor Norström. "Introduction to Time Series Analysis in Sociology".

4/1987. Eugenia Kazamaki. "Arbetslöshetsteorier och teorier om arbetslöshetens struktur".

5/1987. Eugenia Kazamaki. "Anställningsbeslut och Arbetslöshetens struktur".

*6/1987. Thor Norström. "The Abolition of the Swedish Alcohol Rationing System: Effects on Consumption, Distribution, and Cirrhosis Mortality". (Published in the British Journal of Addiction. Reprint no. 198)

7/1987. Sven E. Olsson. "Social Welfare in Economically Advanced Countries: Social Services and Social Security in Sweden". Published in 1988 in Dixon, J. and Scheurell, R. (eds.), Social Welfare in Developed Market Countries, Croom Helm Publishing House Ltd.,

8/1987. Kjell Sehlstedt and Lena Schröder. "Local Job Creation Programs for Youth in Sweden"

9/1987. Hjördis D'Agostino. "Arbetarförbundens medlemsutveckling i Sverige 1900-1985".

*10/1987. Robert Ericson and Johan Fritzell. "Sweden: Transfers and Programs. An Institutional Social Policy Against the Life Cycle of Poverty". (Published as "The Effects of the Social Welfare System in Sweden on the Well-Being of Children and the Elderly" in The Vulnerable, Palmer, J.L., Smeeding, T. and Torrey, B. (eds.), Urban Institute Press (1988). Reprint no. 222)

11/1987. Günther Schmid. "Systems of Financing Labor Market Policy: An International Comparison".

*12/1987. Mahmood Arai. "Monitoring and Additional Wages in Labour Extraction". (Published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (1989) 11. Reprint no. 239)

*13/1987. Thor Norström. "Theft, Criminality, and Economic Growth". (Published in Social Science Research. Reprint no. 218)

*14/1987. Thor Norström. "Alcohol and Suicide in Scandinavia". (Published in the British Journal of Addiction. Reprint no. 217)

15/1987. Per Gunnar Edebalk and Eskil Wadensjö. "Contractually Determined Insurance Schemes for Manual Workers".


*1/1986. Ante Farm. "Oligopolistic Pricing". (Revised version published in European Journal of Political Economy (1988) 4, 13-28. Reprint no. 215)

2/1986. Stein Ringen. "Difference And Similarity - Two Studies in Comparative Income Distribution".

3/1986. Lars Jonung and Eskil Wadensjö. "Rational, Adaptive and Learning Behaviour of Voters The Evidence from Disaggregated Popularity Functions for Sweden".

*4/1986. Ante Farm and Jörgen W. Weibull. "Noncooperative Flexible Pricing in a Homogeneous Market". (Revised version published in Scandinavian Journal of Economics (1987) 89, 487-495. Reprint no. 212)

5/1986. Susanne Oxenstierna. "Bonus Maximization and the Soviet Enterprise".

*6/1986. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Social Welfare Policy - Nothing but Insurances?" (Revised version published as "Redistribution effects of social policy in a lifetime analytical framework", in B. Gustafsson and A. Klevmarken (eds.), The political economy of social security, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1989. Reprint no. 242)


*1/1985. Sven E. Olsson. "Welfare Programs in Sweden". Published in 1985 in Peter Flora (ed): Growths to Limits - The West European Welfare States Since World War II, Vol IV. Berlin: De Gryter; New York: Aldine and The Hague: Mouton.

2/1985. Eskil Wadensjö. "Den nya doktorsexamen: doktorsavhandlingar i nationalekonomi 1970-1983".

*3/1985. Ante Farm. "On Disequilibrium Economics". (Revised version published in "A Model of the Price Mechanism". Dissertation series no. 1)

4/1985. Jan Johannesson. "Financing Active and Passive Labour Market Policy. The Swedish Case".

5/1985. Susanne Oxenstierna "Labour Shortage in the Soviet Union: Planning and the Soviet Enterprise".

6/1985. Carl Le Grand. "Underleverantörsystem och arbetsmarknadssegmentering: några särdrag i den japanska industrins organisering".

*7/1985. Ante Farm. "A Theory of Price Adjustment". (Revised version published in "A Model of the Price Mechanism". Dissertation series no. 1)

8/1985. Lucienne Portocarero. "Social Mobility in France and Sweden: Women, Marriage and Work".

9/1985. Eskil Wadensjö. "The Financial Effects of Unemployment and Labor Market Policy Programs for Public Authorities".

*10/1985. Tarja-Liisa Leiniö. Appendix to "Invandrare som brottsoffer". (Reprint no. 139)

*11/1985. Ante Farm. "Effective Demand and Effective Wage". (Revised version published in "A Model of the Price Mechanism". Dissertation series no. 1)

12/1985. Lennart Erixon. "What's Wrong with the Swedish Model? An Analysis of its Effects and Changed Conditions, 1974-1985".

*13/1985. Ante Farm. "Effective Labour Supply". (Revised version published in "A Model of the Price Mechanism". Dissertation series no. 1)

14/1985. Joseph E. Schwartz. "Goodman's Coefficient of Multiple Determination: Why it is not analogous to R2".

15/1985. Eskil Wadensjö. "Disability Pensioning of Older Workers in Sweden. A Comparison of Studies Based on Time-Series and Cross-Section Data".

16/1985. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Public and Negotiated Pension Wealth in Sweden and their Distributions".

17/1985. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "To What Extent do Social Insurance Schemes Contain a Redistributive Element of a Non-Actuarial Type? The Swedish Pension as an Example".

18/1985. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "On Misleading Income Comparisons between Societies with Social Insurance Sectors of Different Sizes".

19/1985. Lena Schröder och Kjell Sehlstedt. "Datateknik och omställningsproblem".


*1/1984. Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg. "Överföringar från förvärvsarbetande till den äldre generationen".(Publicerad som Transfereringar mellan den förvärvsarbetande och den äldre generationen, Rapport till expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi (ESO), DsFi 1985:5)

2/1984. Sten Johansson. "Arbetstidsförkortning som välfärdspolitik".

3/1984. Sten-Åke Stenberg. "Vem vräks? Vräkningshotade hushåll i tre kronofogdedistrikt".

4/1984. Gösta Esping-Andersen and Walter Korpi. "Social Policy as Class Politics in Postwar Capitalism: Scandinavia, Austria, and Germany".

5/1984. Gösta Esping-Andersen and Walter Korpi. "From Poor Relief Towards Institutional Welfare States: the Development of Scandinavian Social Policy".

6/1984. Lena Schröder and Kjell Sehlstedt. "Offentliga arbeten som arbetsmarknadspolitisk åtgärd".

7/1984. Robert Erikson and Seppo Pöntinen. "Social Mobility in Finland and Sweden. A Comparison of Men and Women".


*1/1983. Anders Björklund and Inga Persson-Tanimura. " Youth Employment in Sweden".(Now in Reubens, B (ed.), Youth at Work: An International Survey. Totowa, NJ: Allanheld, Osmun and Co)

2/1983. Tor Eriksson. "Empirical Estimates of the Natural Rate of Unemployment in Finland from Flow Data".

*3/1983. Sven E. Olsson. "Welfare Programs in Sweden". (Now in a new version as Meddelande 1/1985)

4/1983. Jean Baldwin Grossman (Mathematica Policy Research, USA). "An Analysis of the Labor Force Behavior of Immigrant Women in Sweden".

5/1983. Eskil Wadensjö. "De arbetshandikappades arbetsmarknads- och inkomstförhållanden".


1/1982. Eskil Wadensjö. Sammanfattning av fakultetsopposition på Peter Nybergs avhandling, "Emigration, ekonomisk tillväxt och stabilitet. En teoretisk undersökning kring emigrationens orsaker och effekter på medellång sikt" (publikationer utgivna av Finlands Bank, Serie B:34, Helsingfors 1980).

2/1982. Robert Erikson. "Changes in Social Mobility in Industrial Nations: The Case of Sweden". (Now in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Vol. 2, 1983, JAI Press Inc)

*3/1982. Walter Korpi, Sven E Olsson, Sten-Åke Stenberg. "Några huvuddrag i den svenska socialpolitikens utveckling". Ingår i förkortad form som kapitel, "Svensk socialpolitik", i Bo Södersten (red.), Svensk ekonomi. Stockholm: Rabén and Sjögren, 1982. Reprint no. 123.

4/1982. Gösta Rehn. "Anti-inflationary Expansion Policies (with Special Reference to Marginal Employment Premiums".

5/1982. Agneta Kruse and Eskil Wadensjö. "Den offentliga sektorn och sysselsättningen".

6/1982. Joseph E. Schwartz. "The Neglected Problem of Measurement Error in Categorical Data".

7/1982. Lennart Erixon. "Tillväxt och strukturförändringar i svensk industri under 70-talet".